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CLC Striders race report for Cotswold way century

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On Saturday 14th September, 67 runners gathered at Chipping Campden School to embark on a gruelling run challenge. In front of them a daunting 102 miles and 15,000ft of elevation, final destination Bath Abbey, by courtesy of The Cotswold Way National Trail. “It’s really quite difficult…”, so says the organiser.

Among the assembled mass of hardy athletes three CLC Striders, Helen Knight, Tom Fletcher and Josh Davies. All runners have ultra distance pedigree but for Helen and Josh it was the first attempt at a century and for Tom it was unfinished business after having to pull out last year.

The weather was fair, conditions on the course were firm and the forecast was encouraging.

At 11am, late enough for a double breakfast, they set off. They would all be running through the night and well into the morrow, the last runner finishing in just under 32 hours.

Tom and Josh ran solo, Helen partnered up but in any case it is always a welcome sight for the athletes when friends and family pop up on the course and offer some encouragement, even better when handing food out.

Following the runners was simple enough for the first third of the course as it crossed local territory. All three were spotted coming off Cleeve and Ham Hill, where Helen handed an empty custard pot to Liza Bradshaw (support crew), heading for Dowdeswell Reservoir, again at the A40 crossing to Lineover Woods and on high again near Seven Springs. By the time the runners neared Birdlip the day was closing in and the hardest few hours beckoned. At this stage our runners were looking strong and in good spirits.

Sightings were rare in the dark but Helen was seen again close to midnight at Stonehouse, roughly the halfway mark. Navigation was awkward at night and frustratingly some wrong turnings were taken but nothing could dampen our runner’s spirits.

At dawn Helen was seen by support crew member Kate Telford, near Old Sodbury at about 80 miles. At this point Helen was locked in and focussed on the final destination. There was no stopping for a chat or custard, exhaustion and determination drove Helen on for the final 20 miles.

Josh who had been wonderfully supported by Richard and Laura Elsworthy was ahead for the vast majority of the run but in the last few miles Helen pulled up alongside him and they crossed the line together. All three Striders finished. Official timings, in 10th position Helen Knight 24:54:33, 11th Josh Davies 24:54:36 and in 37th Tom Fletcher 30:31:43. 24 runners did not finish.

Two weeks later and Helen still says she cannot believe she ran 100 miles. Tom described his experience as traumatic and brutal but one of his proudest achievements. Josh simply stated “gruelling” and he was so happy to see Bath city from high above before the last descent.

Tom was back at training the following day…..