Club Records
The club is active in road, track, cross country, and trail races. The road, track, and multi-terrain events offer our members the opportunity to set club records at a particular distance or event. We also recognise field event records for members willing to try something other than running.
Although not officially a race, but a timed run, we also recognise parkrun fastest times.
parkrun’s website also holds various data on members’ performances including:
CLC Striders at Cheltenham parkrun
CLC Striders at King George V Playing Field parkrun, Cheltenham
CLC Striders Consolidated club report for member participation at last Saturday’s parkruns
Claims and Amendments
To claim or update a record please complete the online form.
Note: records are only shown for the age groups for which a time has been set. If an age group is missing it means no records has been set; if it’s your age group, set a time and claim the record.