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CLC Striders race report from Saturday 8 March 2025

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Inter-Counties Cross Country Championships Wollaton Park, Nottingham

Four athletes from the CLC Striders running club were selected to represent Gloucestershire in the Inter-County Cross Country Championships held at Wollaton Park in Nottingham. I an unseasonably warm and sunny Saturday afternoon, Helen Knight and Kate Telford were part of the women’s team, while Rich Elsworthy and Rob Barnett were part of the men’s. The race is incredibly competitive, with the best runners from all over the country gathered for this last end-of-season event.

Helen Knight was the second Gloucestershire finisher on the day, with Kate Telford only just behind her as the third. But because the ladies only managed to field four runners (when the requisite number is six), sadly they didn’t score in the team competition. (The other Gloucestershire lady finishers were Patricia Dendy from Almost Athletes and Ellie Balfe of Cheltenham Harriers.)

In the men’s race, Rich Elsworthy once again proved his prowess over the country as the third County finisher, with Rob Barnett the fifth scorer for the team in what was an incredibly quick race. (The other Gloucestershire finishers were Cheltenham Harriers’ George Watson – with a very strong performance in 22nd place overall, Vegan Runner Rhys Goddard, and Cheltenham Harriers’ Harrison Miles and Martin Foster.) Overall, the Gloucestershire men finished as 27th of 30 qualifying teams.

Pictured: CLC athletes representing Gloucestershire, from left to right: Helen Knight, Rich Elsworthy, Rob Barnett and Kate Telford

Intercounties XC

Beast of the Blacks Ultra

Meanwhile, across the harsh, boggy and unforgiving trails of the Welsh Black Mountains, two CLC Striders pitted themselves against the terrain – and the heat – in the iconic Beast of the Blacks. Iain Porter finished 9th overall in the shorter 20-mile option in just under 4.5 hours. And Ollie Watkins battled on to complete the longer 40-mile course in about 8.5 hours, despite being in pain from mile 15 onward.

Pictured: Iain Porter in the Beast of the Blacks

Beast of the blacks